One of the things I appreciate the most about Top1000funds.com conferences is the opportunity to get out of your day-to-day and engage meaningfully with an intellectual and passionate group of asset owners and asset managers from around the world. These events offer institutional investors a shot to recharge batteries with so many thoughtful peers in a beautiful setting – it's a real privilege.

Alison Loat
Senior Managing Director, OPTRUSTThe compelling mix of candid industry conversations, thought-leading academic presentations and moderate group size should make this a priority for busy senior investment professionals looking to connect within and without their industry on key topics. I can’t think of too many other events where you can hear one of the fathers of modern financial theory, Dr. Myron Scholes, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and stewards of trillions of dollars of capital all on the same program

Aaron Bennett
Chief Investment Officer, University Pension PlanThe opportunity to gather with investment peers from around the world to learn and share knowledge about some of most pressing issues facing long term investors today is incredibly valuable. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium was well curated, and time well spent.

Barbara Zvan
President and Chief Executive Officer, University Pension Plan OntarioThe Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Stanford University featured excellent content, with top-notch academics and an ability to connect with so many high-profile attendees. Great experience overall, I definitely look forward to attending future events.

Daniel Booth
Deputy Chief Investment Officer, CalPERSThis event remains so "on the ball". The agenda and breakout sessions help all CIO's with their jobs as it helps us gain valuable perspective. Simply world class.

Tony Broccardo
(Former) Chief Executive, Barclays Bank UK Retirement FundThe symposium was terrific – content, attendees and discussions were all excellent and made for a high-quality event. I look forward to attending in future.

June Kim
Investment Director, Global Equity, CalSTRSFor anyone lucky enough to be able to attend, do not miss this event - for the deep insights, the high quality of the presenters, and the global wealth of insights.

Colin Carlton
Senior Advisor, CPP Investment BoardThe program for Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Stanford was excellent. As always, the content stimulated our intellectual curiosity by drawing a direct connection between how we invest our portfolios and cutting-edge topics like AI and synthetic biology.

Michael Hitchcock
Chief Executive, South Carolina Retirement System Investment CommissionIt’s a real treat to be with and among such a high-powered group of asset owners and managers, particularly the ability to learn more about efforts underway outside of North America in a variety of formats from panel presentations to lively roundtable discussions. I leave energized at times, and disappointed at others by policy prescription shortfalls to some of the world’s most critical problems – but always, I leave much better informed as a steward tasked with navigating the best investment path forward.

John D. Skjervem
Chief Investment Officer, Utah Retirement SystemsThe entire experience at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium including a well-crafted agenda, engagement with academics and really thought-provoking discussions with industry peers in a collegiate setting made for a top-notch event. I look forward to many more.